Hexaworth Foam Blaster Car Wash Shampoo / Snow Foam / Sabun Kereta / Snow Wash
HEXA SUPER CONCENTRATED FOAM BLASTER is a premium car shampoo to lift off dirt and contaminant easily. Meant to be use with a snow wash tank, the dilution is up to 500 times. Economical, Space savings, easy handling and inventory control.
Pour content (150ml) into snow wash tank and fill up with 70 liters water. Pressurize to between 3 to 4 bar and spray onto the entire car. Use a clean sponge working from the roof, glass surface and downwards. Avoid foam from drying and rinse off with clean water. Gently dry off with a clean microfiber cloth. To maintain gloss, shine & water repellency, spray a coat of HEXA NANO COATING that can last up to 5 washes.